The "Nuclear Fusion" of the Clothing and Textile Industry - When the Industrial Chain is Stirred by the "Borderless Cooperation Alliance

The 'borderless cooperation alliance' originates from a simple dream: 'I hope that good products can smoothly and efficiently reach users'. Breaking the boundaries between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, allowing truly good products to reach the hands of the end users. Since the establishment of the alliance, its influence and attention in the industry have gradually increased. Ten years ago, sharing generates power, and communication creates value. The "Borderless Cooperation Alliance" adheres to the principle of "user thinking", continuously promotes industry thinking and sustainable development through forums, leverages platform effects, and explores the path of industry transformation and upgrading with wisdom and action.
Over the past decade, every gathering in the capital has brought a different sound, and every collision of ideas has erased a different spark. The 2023 Borderless International Technology Textile and Clothing Forum injects an international perspective, launching the first cross-border exchange, showcasing enthusiasm, and issuing new voices to stimulate, coexist, forge ahead, and change
On October 12th, the 2023 Borderless International Technology Textile and Clothing Forum on "Symbiosis and Co creation of the Future" was successfully held in Wujiang, Suzhou. The event was titled "True Functionality, True Intelligence, and True Environmental Protection", bringing together heavyweight guests from both domestic and foreign countries to engage in multi-dimensional and formal sharing and exchange on industry ecological innovation and exploring future development trends.
The event was hosted by FLYTEC Technology Group, the initiator of the Borderless Cooperation Alliance, and attracted over 200 domestic and foreign guest representatives from various fields such as industry experts, leading brands, professional colleges, and authoritative associations to gather together to explore injecting certainty into the era of uncertainty and help the textile and clothing industry cross the cycle. At the same time, we will delve into the mechanism and system of the "borderless cooperation alliance" from an international perspective, efficiently collaborate with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, leverage supply chain advantages, increase empowerment, create more resilient industrial clusters, and break new growth curves.
This forum brings together leading brands, technical experts, professors, scholars, renowned academicians, and other "strongest brains" from both domestic and foreign countries, as well as industry leaders and emerging forces. We have set up keynote speeches and brand dialogues to resonate with the same frequency, committed to creating a high-quality and efficient technology textile and clothing industry feast, showcasing the most cutting-edge insights and international perspectives in the industry, and can be called the "vane" of leading the industry trend.
At the beginning of the event, Ms. Zhou Juan, founder of the "Borderless Cooperation Alliance" and CEO of FLYTEC Yitech, as a representative of the organizers, gave a speech on the theme of "Symbiosis · Creating a Future Together". Ten years ago, our original intention in establishing the Borderless Cooperation Alliance was to hope that good products can smoothly and efficiently reach users, allowing them to enjoy truly good products, rather than 'dying' in the industry chain of 'beating drums and passing flowers', and improving industry efficiency through innovative models, "Zhou Juan recalled. For the past decade, the "Borderless Cooperation Alliance" has been based on user thinking, connecting upstream and downstream partners in the industry, carrying out product co creation, resource integration, industry collaboration, etc. Along the way, it has created projects such as T8-TECH and iwarm intelligent temperature control that have made the industry boil one after another, helping the Ruogan clothing brand complete product upgrades.
In her speech, she used the achievements of the "Borderless Cooperation Alliance" over the past decade as an example to explain the enormous value created by breaking industry boundaries and jointly serving end users. At the same time, based on her love and responsibility for constantly observing the industry, she issued a call to the industry, "Virtue is not isolated, there must be neighbors", symbiosis, and jointly create the future!
Celebrities gather to discuss future trends both domestically and internationally
Focusing on users, returning to the essence of user needs, connecting the textile industry chain, improving industry synergy efficiency and competitiveness, can we cope with the uncertain current. How does a brand cross the cycle and achieve sustainable development? How can traditional brands respond to market demand and revitalize themselves? Under the trend of functionality and environmental protection, how can companies choose development strategies and step on industry trends?
Ulrich Dausien, founder of the well-known German outdoor brand Jack Wolfskin Wolf Claw, combines his experience from founding the Wolf Claw brand to today to tell how an outdoor brand successfully crosses the industry cycle and achieves sustainable development for the enterprise. He believes that in order for a brand to succeed, it must first continuously communicate with customers and consumers. Secondly, it is also very important to establish a trusting relationship with customers and suppliers, empower each other, and achieve win-win and mutual growth.
As a senior partner of the 'Borderless Cooperation Alliance', the Chinese down jacket brand Bosden has also benefited greatly. In 2022, a redefinition of lightweight down jackets amazed four audiences. Pietro ferragina, Director of Creative Research and Development at Bosden, stated that in addition to breakthroughs and achievements in design, this year's series of products focuses more on empowering technological materials. For example, FLYTEC technology fabrics enable fashion items such as down crossover knitted sweaters, knitwear, charge jackets, and lamb cashmere, helping Bosden achieve further innovation and creation!
Regarding innovation and creativity, Kathmandu R&D Creative Director also expressed his own views. Creativity and innovation have brought him great inspiration and inspiration, hoping to find high-performance fabric suppliers globally. On the one hand, he always remains at the forefront of innovation and material creation, and on the other hand, he can achieve his own brand goals.
Xu Weidong, the Chief Academic Officer of Dongzhou Fashion College, who has been committed to empowering innovative research and development of clothing brands, gave a keynote speech titled "The Symbiosis and Win-win of Brands and Materials", providing new development concepts for the textile and clothing industry. The farthest distance in the world is that China has the best market and the best supply chain, but we cannot be together. How can we become a billion dollar brand? The new golden age has arrived, and for an era that focuses on product research and development and branding, the future must be for the upstream and downstream of clothing to warm up together and organize into a professional team. Only through symbiosis, collaboration, and borderless cooperation can we promote the success of products and brands
Based on his research in the field of membrane materials, Su Chunlei, an associate researcher at the Institute of Process at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, demonstrated how to achieve a waterproof and breathable membrane technology that combines functionality, comfort, and environmental protection.
Only by seeing the trends clearly and grasping the present can we have a better future. Against the backdrop of comprehensive technological and mode upgrades, intelligent wearability has become an important trend in the development of the textile and clothing industry. Professor Lu Yehu from the School of Textile and Engineering at Suzhou University gave a keynote speech on "How to Enable Consumers to Experience the Functions of Clothing", using phase-change clothing and electrically heated clothing as examples, supplemented by data such as charts, to explain in simple and profound terms how to make consumers feel the functional characteristics of intelligent clothing. He pointed out that it is necessary to always focus on the comfort of consumers, so that consumers can experience the safety and comfort brought by intelligent technology.
Cross border dialogue, focusing on essence and deep thinking
In addition to the deep integration of materials and brands, environmental trends are also a hot topic in the textile and clothing industry. Clothing brands, material brands, technical experts, and university academicians from both domestic and international sources conducted three cross-border dialogues on environmental protection. From different perspectives, we will discuss how to return to true needs and work together to find innovative solutions to environmental issues. Eliminate falsehood and preserve the truth, no longer making environmental protection a gimmick that excessively consumes the vitality of products or technologies.
In the morning conversation session, guests from different fields such as material trends and outdoor brands reached a consensus on environmental sustainability. Everyone agreed that whether it is the material or brand side, this is a systematic project, not a project that can be completed by any individual brand, raw material supplier, designer, or consumer alone.
In the afternoon, guests from leading domestic brands, material technology, and university institutions had in-depth discussions and exchanges on "true functionality, true intelligence, and true environmental protection". For the word 'true', the guests believe that the focus should be on the true user needs, truly focusing on the balance of that person, the clothes they are wearing, and all their functions in that scene.
Fang Jiayan, Marketing Director of FLYTEC Yitech, has proposed a new concept for environmental protection: "Buy less, choose better, and wear longer. She takes iWarm intelligent temperature control products as an example, which can withstand the dual tests of time and space, break through the traditional concept of dividing seasons in service products, and overcome severe temperature differences. One piece of clothing can meet more needs and scenarios. She stated that extending the lifecycle of a piece of clothing is also a way to protect the environment.
When consumers fail to develop a comprehensive environmental awareness and the motivation to act on it, the overly rigid and almost coercive environmentalism of enterprises can only arouse consumer disgust. Entering consumers' hearts with an intelligent temperature controlled clothing that is easy to clean and use, and setting an example through subtle influence, can truly gain recognition.
Li Binhong, Director of the National Textile Product Development Center, summarized the forum with the Porter Five Forces model: suppliers, buyers, potential competitors, substitutes, and industry competitors. He stated that in the face of an uncertain era, what can win is not competition, but a new Five Forces model: repositioning, discovering demand, sustainable growth, digital dividends, and collaborative innovation. "Whether it is war, climate change or the COVID-19, it is impossible to change the common vision of industry participants: to create a new expectation of a better way of life for people. Trust is the key to the collaborative innovation borderless alliance, and the premise of trust is mutual respect." Li Binhong said.
Policy escort ushers in new opportunities without boundaries
At the forum, visiting guests jointly witnessed the official opening of the Dalongdangyi Technology Creative Park. The Pingwang Town Government gave a comprehensive introduction to the future planning and development direction of the Dalongdangyi Science and Technology Creative Park. This project jointly assists in the transformation of the textile industry through design innovation, model innovation, cultural industry integration innovation, and other models. In the future, the Dalongdangyi Technology Creative Park will face the entire textile and clothing industry chain, focusing on areas such as material research and development, intelligent wear, brand empowerment, and cultural industry integration innovation. It will gather materials, design, universities, and other parties to settle in the park, striving to create a complete and diverse, complete and reliable borderless textile center.
The opening of the Dalongdangyi Technology Creative Park this time means that the borderless textile center integrating technology, research and development, brand, culture and education will embark on a new journey in Suzhou and even in the Chinese textile industry.
"Suzhou not only has historical and cultural heritage, but also has high-tech innovation and high-quality development, representing the future development direction", which guides the direction of progress and provides fundamental guidance for promoting the new practice of Chinese path to modernization in Suzhou and promoting high-quality development in the forefront, and also brings deeper thinking and inspiration to the innovation and upgrading of Suzhou's textile and clothing industry, and the integration and development of industrial economy and culture.
The development of borderless cooperation alliances cannot be separated from the guidance and support of the government. Previously, the "Work Opinions on Supporting the Construction of Suzhou High end Textile National Advanced Manufacturing Industry Cluster" was officially released. The Opinion has launched 25 key tasks and measures to encourage targeted development of enterprises, clarify the main responsibilities of various departments, and collaborate to promote the construction of Suzhou's high-end textile national advanced manufacturing industry cluster. In the future, the Borderless Cooperation Alliance will also follow the guidance of the Opinion and work together to create an internationally advanced high-end textile cluster with comprehensive strength.