Zhejiang Ningbo Textile and Clothing Industry Chain Quality Improvement Action Initiated

Recently, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province launched an action to improve the quality of the textile and clothing industry chain. It is reported that this action is an important part of Ningbo's efforts to accelerate the construction of a "36.1" trillion dollar industrial cluster. Previously, Ningbo City also established a "one-stop" service platform for the quality infrastructure of the textile and clothing industry in Haishu District of the city.
At the launch ceremony of the improvement action, Ningbo City released the "Textile and Clothing Quality Improvement Industry Chain Map" and "Textile and Clothing Industry Chain Quality Problem Map" for the first time, comprehensively presenting basic information such as the distribution and proportion of the textile and clothing industry chain in 10 districts (counties, cities), 2 functional zones, and 17 towns and townships (streets) in Haishu District. This can accurately identify weak links in the quality of the regional textile and clothing industry chain, involving fabric functionality Design innovation, brand culture, and other aspects.
It is reported that, in view of the shortcomings in the textile industry, Ningbo Municipal Market Supervision Bureau will coordinate the research team composed of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Zhejiang Textile and Clothing Vocational College, Ningbo University, Ningbo Customs Technology Center, Ningbo Fiber Inspection Institute, Ningbo Standardization Institute, Ningbo Textile Industry Association and other units to promote the joint research on common quality and technology in the industrial chain.
To enhance the requirements for action, "chain owners" such as Kangsaini Group Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Boyang Clothing Group Co., Ltd. have signed quality consistency control strategic cooperation agreements with industrial chain supply chain enterprises, integrating small and micro enterprises in the chain into a common supply chain and quality management system, providing support for the extension, supplementation, and strengthening of the industrial chain. The relevant person in charge of Ningbo Boyang Clothing Group Co., Ltd. stated, "We will leverage our supply chain system and supplier management advantages, starting from building industrial clusters, to help improve the brand quality and efficiency of the textile and clothing industry chain
In August, Ningbo City issued the "Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of a" 36.1 "Billion Level Industrial Cluster (2023-2027)", promoting the acceleration of the construction of the modern industrial system of "Ningbo Manufacturing". The textile and clothing industry is one of the six trillion level industrial clusters in Ningbo, and it is also a traditional advantageous industry in Ningbo. There are more than 20000 various textile and clothing manufacturing enterprises in the city, of which 865 are above designated textile and clothing manufacturing enterprises. In 2022, the designated textile and clothing manufacturing industry in the city achieved an output value of over 130 billion yuan and an industrial added value of 35.8 billion yuan.
The relevant person in charge of the Quality Development Department of the Ningbo Market Supervision Bureau stated that the improvement action will adhere to demand orientation and problem orientation, and strive to solve a number of blockages in the quality improvement of the industrial chain supply chain through measures such as quality comparison analysis and technical joint research. At the same time, relying on the "one-stop" service platform of the textile and clothing industry quality infrastructure, we provide enterprises with comprehensive "zero distance" services such as standards, metrology, certification and recognition, inspection and testing, quality management, intellectual property, brand services, registration, credit financing, etc., to help them improve their quality management level.